Things I have done lately

Last weekend some of us went back to the College That I Attended, and this weekend we are going again. It’s about an hour-long drive each way.

I did research on which bank to join, and chose one, but decided to wait until I move in next month to create an account. This way I can avoid change-of-address inconveniences later. Most of the banks in this area are just about three blocks from where I’ll be living, so it’s quite convenient.

One of the people I will live with gave me a bicycle that I can use once I get the rear tire fixed. That might happen tomorrow.

I looked at jobs on the internet classifieds yesterday. Unfortunately I was just barely too late to participate in market research on acne ($100 for 55 minute interview).

Also, we went to the park district. There are two school playgrounds and a public park (with pool) all connected together. We played on pretty much all of the playground equipment.

At some point I did some work on this web log thing. I might have it set up well enough to last me for a while.