mashed potatoes

I might start keeping track of food I make and how I made it. Mostly it’s a convenience so that I don’t have to look up how mashed potatoes work every time I have some potatoes or something I want to use up. This batch turned out pretty well. All over the internet it says not to bother with old potatoes or at least to peel the skin off old ones, but I think these turned out fine. The skin was a little tough, but no big deal. A bit more garlic salt and pepper seasoning would have helped though.

mashed potatoes

  • One bag of old potatoes.
  • Throw out any that are too soft, wash the rest, cut out eyes.
  • Cut into quarters or whatever and keep them in a bowl of cold water if they’re not getting cooked right away.
  • Boil water then drop in the potatoes.
  • When the water comes back to a boil, turn down the heat to keep it at a low boil.
  • Let them cook uncovered for twenty minutes or so.
  • Dump them into a colander to drain the water.
  • Dump them into a bowl and mash them some with a potato masher that was in one of the drawers.
  • Sprinkle on some garlic salt, “pepper seasoning” or whatever else might add some flavor.
  • Stir in some soycream or other liquids that are in the fridge, maybe a quater cup at a time until they seem like mashed potato consistency.

There was a really informative website about cooking potatoes, but I can’t find it anymore. Too bad.