growing food, losing air, earning money

We made tempeh last weekend. It’s been in the freezer since then, and I finally got around to trying it last night. It was pretty good as moldy soybeans go, but I think that I didn’t boil the beans long enough before adding the starter. We incubated it in my closet with a space heater.

One of my tires had a slow leak today so when I got out of work the tire was flat. I walked the bike to the nearest gas station and paid fifty cents to put air in the tire. It was good enough to get me home. I had considered buying a small portable pump to put in my backpack, but never got around to it. I still don’t know if I’ll bother. I feel like I ought to, but maybe it’s worth fifty cents for the occasional time a tire goes flat.

I got a new set of responsibilities at work. I think it comes with more pay, but I don’t know all the details yet. At any rate, it comes with more hours, while it lasts. In a few weeks, we will close down until late summer.