It was raining fairly hard yesterday, so I decided to take the bus to work instead of biking like usual. Our house is less than a block from a bus line that goes right past the store where I work, so I may take advantage of it quite a lot as the weather gets worse.
Unfortunately, the bus schedule doesn’t line up very well with my work schedule. I have the choice of arriving half an hour early or else arriving barely on time and maybe too late.
I got a desk for my room. I might decide that it is too large, but for now it will do. It is a bit wobbly, which might or might not become an annoyance. Also, the floor is noticeably slanted, which makes using the rolling chair an interesting endeavor.
I also replaced my digital clock for a different, slightly brighter digital clock. The one I had was very difficult to read any time the sun was out.
I have been working at the used book store for the last few days. The first two days were training and today I was working by myself. It was pretty low key. I don’t know where everything is quite yet, but I’m learning. I had some trouble with the register for a while, but I think I have that figured out, too. Mostly, I sit and list books for sale on the internet and wrap up books for shipping.
I’m living in a different house now. I got kind of a small room, but it should be more space than I need. Currently it contains:
one twin-size bed one end table one office chair three old notebook computers one desk lamp (no bulb) one digital clock clothes, etc. Additions that I would like to make include:
one small dresser one bookcase one reading chair one small desk one floor lamp The only light fixture in the room is a single bulb on the wall furthest from where I would like a light.
This morning I opened a bank account and applied for a job. The job is with a used book store and duties would include the usual book store stuff and also a lot of listing things for sale online. The bank is the best one I could find in the area, and happens to be the nearest bank to the new house. Both locations are reachable by bicycle, and the book store also happens to be on a bus line that goes past our street.
Chair: The chair was being thrown away. It has a small rip in the front of the seat, is missing casters, and I had to do some of the assembly myself. The casters are kind of a problem because right now the center post is actually the lowest part of the base, so it wobbles around some.
Laptop: The laptop came from the internet classifieds. I paid $35 for it, which is definitely more than it’s worth.
I might start keeping track of food I make and how I made it. Mostly it’s a convenience so that I don’t have to look up how mashed potatoes work every time I have some potatoes or something I want to use up. This batch turned out pretty well. All over the internet it says not to bother with old potatoes or at least to peel the skin off old ones, but I think these turned out fine.
A friend gave us some free passes to the state fair, so a few days ago we went. We showed up on the last day of the fair and ten minutes before they stopped admitting people. There was still a lot of stuff going on, but mostly we just wandered around near the food stands and went to watch the people working the carnival games.
We also went to a library.
We were looking into thrift stores in the area yesterday. Unfortunately, it sounds like the best ones are out in the suburbs (definitely not within biking distance). I did happen to find a bicycle seat. I paid thirty-five cents for it and put it on at the bike co-op the same day. It’s a wider seat, and has springs even, so it’s a great deal more comfortable for riding around the city.
We went to the old college again. I met up with some more people that I hadn’t seen for a while, and some that I probably won’t again see for a while. It was a good time all around though.
Back at home, I found out about this bicycle co-operative. It’s a bunch of people who provide bicycle maintenence and repair bicycles to sell, and that sort of thing. I took my bike there to see about fixing the tire, and they really helped me out.